Moj osobni dnevnik, koji prvenstveno govori o sakupljanju yamadoria i nastojanju stvaranja bonsai kreacija iz prikupljenog materijala, o mojim izletima i svemu što me zainteresira, a nikako ne želim zadržati za sebe...
hello mario, great stuff that you guys found ;-)... Yamdoriseason startet again in your aerea, here in the north everything is always covered under snow and ice ;-( ... but days of spring will come ;-) You collect stunning once, respekt and i envy you so much for that carpinus orientalis, especially the great once ;-) saludos avicenna
hello mario, i am here again, Please invite me for looking at you page I am curios of your reports ;-) saludos avicenna
hello mario,
OdgovoriIzbrišigreat stuff that you guys found ;-)... Yamdoriseason startet again in your aerea, here in the north everything is always covered under snow and ice ;-( ... but days of spring will come ;-)
You collect stunning once, respekt and i envy you so much for that carpinus orientalis, especially the great once ;-)
hello mario, i am here again, Please invite me for looking at you page
OdgovoriIzbrišiI am curios of your reports ;-)