
Carpinus orientalis HR na ljetnom dotjerivanju

Iznenađujuće dobra reakcija sa mnoštvom izboja po deblu. Uklonio sam velik broj novih izboja i ostavio samo grane za koje mislim da će davati dobru strukturu krošnje. Planiram podići ukupnu visinu za barem još jednu četvrtinu. Deblo i impresivan nebari će to odlično zaokružiti.



1 komentar:

  1. Hi Mario,

    Your Bonsai collection is simply amazing.
    I'm enjoing very much reading your blog posts.

    with so many succesful and amazing Yamadori collections, you must have accumalated a lot of expirience.

    can you please share with us your tips for succesful yamadori collection & after care ?

    when is the best time in year ? how can you tell if the tree will survive ? how do you dig it out ? how do you take it back home ? how do you treat it so he will recover ?

    any tip will be most appreciated,
