Arhiva bloga
- Walter Pall u mom vrtu
- Nigra špageti
- Grab po direktivi.
- Tisa, taxus, yew, Eibe, tejo, tasso.... II
- Walter Pall u Bistri / III konvencija
- Tisa, taxus, yew, Eibe, tejo, tasso....
- Prvih 100-tinjak yamadoria
- Fagus sylvatica / bukva nad bukvama...
- Glog koji je stršao iz gomile
- Car je gol...
Tisa, taxus, yew, Eibe, tejo, tasso....
Svakom lovcu na yamadori, osmjeh na lice izmami bager na gradilištu, koje se čisti od "neželjenih" tisa..... evo prve, nekom nepoželjne, a meni više nego dobrodošle.
great stuff guy ;-) ...gratulation for that enormous jew. Its an impressive base for a great bonsai with great carningaereas... a lot of work and time ...but its passion ;-) ... crossed fingers that he'll grew.
Thank you!
OdgovoriIzbrišiYes, she is strong in the base, about 40 cm.